Saturday, November 13, 2010


On 19 April 2010, I started my first job as an engineer, working in Freescale Malaysia. Whenever I mentioned that I worked in Freescale to my friend, they will give me the what-is-that look. Ok, I will share how the logo looks like here:
I like this logo, mostly because the bright orange and yellow that is the main color for the logo. You will notice this logo if you are driving along federal highway, around the Sunway junction, more commonly known as Motorola bridge there.

Today is my last day of work, and I think I spend most of my time today backing up files and update my stuff to the person who will take over my job. My cubical is followed:
The white bag over there is the smock bag for ESD purpose, my laptop and my locker. Not to mentioned my geek water bottle.
Oh, my mentors too. Learned a lot from them. They are friendly and kind. Hope I don't pissed them off for asking too much questions. They helped me in solving my issues and I really appreciated their help. Thanks...
Of course, there are some very friendly colleagues that share laughers with me. Although only being in FSL for 7 months, I enjoyed my stay and learned lots of stuff. It is really a pleasant place to work with,
However, after long struggling and consideration, I decided to move on in my life, moving back south, more might be a bit too south...
Walking in the manufacturing line for the last time, today, the noisy testers and handlers are saying bye to me. I gonna miss them, but I will see them soon~~

Last day as a Freescaler...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Around This Time

3 years ago, around this time, I had my facebook account. I spend quite some time a day on this social network nowadays...

2 years ago, around this time, I left Australia back Malaysia. I enjoyed my stay there, and lots of nice and good memories still stick with me...

1 year ago, around this time, I finished my final exam and went off to USA. I had went to lots of nice places and I enjoyed my final vacation before involved myself in social university...

8 months ago, around this time, I had my uni convo remarks I finished my univeristy studies. Besides, I had my last McD burger and fries till now. Yes, I had not eaten any since I come back from USA...

This year around this time, I am moving on in my life. I am resigning from my current job and move on to the other one. My current one has a nice working environment and surrounded by friendly colleagues and boss. I learned how things are done, but not necessary the best way to be done. I learned how microships are processed before shipped and I am gladly involved. I learned my weaknesses and I hoped I can overcome it to make things right.

2010 is coming to an end soon, but another new journey in life is awaiting for me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

6 months of work

It had been half a year I step into the social university. So far so good. The past 6 months was an eye opening experience which widen my view in the semiconductor industry.

From ego to work, to bored of work and now I enjoyed my moment at work. Just that I hate the part that I have to wait for problems to come to me for me to solve. Yeah, this might make me sounds sicko, but I enjoy solving problems and happy when i closed case. That's is called job satisfaction.

Colleagues are friendly and my working environment is peaceful. Perhaps, I have not seen the bad time yet.

However, this might all change soon. Not much, hopefully...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Broga Hill

This morning, I went with my "long lost" uni friends, to visit Broga Hill for sunset.

We gathered at Khong's house, situated at the centre of KL, to spend our night. You know, when a bunch of friends are together, they normally don;t sleep much. We woke up at 2.30am, and start our journey to Broga Hill, which is 40km away from his place.

It took me 50mins to reach the bottom of the hill (yup, I drove all the way there to practice my driving skill for the coming road trip) and the sky was still dark. This is the 1st time i saw starry night in Selangor. =)

I would said the whole hill climbing is divided into 3 phase: 1st, u need to pass through a palm oil planation, 2nd is a jungle and 3rd is hill full of lalang.

Going up the hill required good stamina. It is very physically challenge, especially when the sun is not out yet and you are in total darkness. However, the higher you climb, the stronger the breeze is, and that make u feel comfortable.

The sunrise is a nice one, but I think I still prefer sunset the most. :P

After the sun had risen, we had our way back for a nice dim sum breakfast. You know, going down hill is a total story from going up hill. It required more skill than going up hill and is tougher.
However, no matter sunrise or sunset, the accompany is the most important of all. To all my friends.

Today, this trip reminds me that, I really need someone what likes all these adventures, natural scenic views or city exploration, to leave footprints around the world with me. :)

ps: I was road blocked my the police during my way to Broga hill. We can't find our way and I was blocked twice. By the same police. Even they also laugh at us. Haha

Friday, October 15, 2010

Graduation Thoughs to A Friend


Few days back, I visited the Monash graduation website and saw your name on the graduation website and you were awarded the title: Bachelor of Engineering (with Honors) in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

I felt so weird. Happy and sad at the same time. During Mufy time, we had lots of fun and you were my information source as it was my first time leaving home, doesn't know how the outside world looks like. Today, I manage to familiarize myself with this place that I stayed for 5 years, half the credit should goes to you.

Remember that everytime I visit you at your room, you will give me the best seat in your room, offering me mango juice that sometimes the taste goes weird? And everytime, my comp got problem will seek help from you, which sometimes make things worse? Even though it get worse, I am still not sure how u manage to fix it in the end. Do you know that I start naruto manga is because of you? I copied the anime from you and that manga had made my life wonderful? You do influence me, for what I am in some way.

During Year 1, i was highly stress with group project because of the last minute work. u are the very last person who struggled with me, even though I might throw tantrum, but I realise i am still fortunate that at least a friend is with me. Remember how I teach you for electrical and structure exam the day before both exam, causing me didn't manage to do my revision? Actually I was revised in a way, and I am glad you pass both.

I realise how bad my temper is, and currently, I had slightly improvement in controlling them. Your graduation is coming, and I hope I will be manage to hear your name from outside, and I will clap my hands for you, deep from my heart.

Jian Wei

ps: Do you like the flower I placed at your little space there? It might not be nice, but i took me quite some time to think of where to get it. =)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010




刚看了 Who move my cheese 一书。故事说明四个角色如何在迷宫寻找cheese。故事内容简单不过,里面的道理也许大家都巧得,但知易行难。大家会说Haw很笨,我也会这么说,但回头看看自己,自己何尝不是这样呢?在人生的迷宫里,人们害怕改变,担心失去自己已经拥有的东西。但改变后也许得到更好的也说不定。书中的Hem当感到害怕做出选择时,曾问过自己:What will I do if I am not in fear? 自己现在也常问自己这个问题。别让恐惧影响我的决定,要让自己冷静下来,仔细思考,才做决定。否则,我发现自己往往一直在逃避问题。



Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wake me up when September Ends

September had come to an end. Meaning 3/4 year of 2010 had past.

Yet, I feel that I am still stepping at the same point, not moving forward.

Wake me up, when Spetember ends.... *yawn*

Thursday, September 2, 2010




Tuesday, August 31, 2010



2004年之后,负面新闻不断涌现。政商勾结,贪污腐败,滥权打压,施政不公,种种事情令人感到恶心无比。而人民也用选票来表达悲愤,造就了308大选的结果。308 后,以为各政府会有些长进,但反而每况愈下。联邦与各州政府担心选票流失,根本不敢大刀阔斧的改革。现在的心情只能说是恨铁不成钢。53年了,我们还在内乱,各方自我制造假想敌人,为什么不用这剩精于力来为国为民了?说穿了,各方也自为各自的名利斗个你死我活而已。当然,当中也有为人为民的领袖,但简直是凤毛麟角而已。我们90年代,自豪的稳定政局哪去了?

90 年代,我国经济表现亮眼。许多外国公司来我国设厂,使到各行各业的发展都欣欣向荣。现在,外资撤离,通货严重,失业率攀升,但根本没看到官老爷,想任何应对策略,来亡羊补牢。经济蛋糕没变大,反而缩小,一小撮人没有帮忙想如何弄大这块蛋糕,反而想法如何让自己分得大块点,还祭出种族牌来理直气壮地讨蛋糕,真是贪得无厌。国家经济,是国家每个个体的贡献,大家都有权利分一杯羹,不是吗?邻边国家经济正逐渐起飞,越南,印尼,菲律宾等,曾被我国抛在远后的德国家也迎头赶上。当我们还沾沾自喜能聘请廉价外劳时,殊不知自己国家输出马佣/马劳的日子,也许不远了。我们的强势经济成长哪去了?

近年来,宗教与种族歧视叫嚣,各领袖媒体发表各式不负责任的言论。为什么53 年了,我们还要攻击其他人的肤色宗教,而不是尊重呢?旅游局喜欢向外国宣扬我国是文化的大杂锅,这也成我国的特殊文化。各族拥有各自的文化,理应互相尊重,互相帮忙保护他族的文化。但这美好的共识,近年来被有心人士严重破坏。宗教场所被攻击,宗教圣物被羞辱,数年前我们嘲笑印尼发生宗教被攻击时,为什么同样的事发生在自己的国土呢?我们和谐的社会哪去了?





Wednesday, August 4, 2010



Cobb: Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.



當我睜開了眼睛 卻沒看見你
我才想起 難道你已經離去
當我走進了客廳 覺得太安靜
我才感到 真的一切變得好冷清

*就算我努力試著面對 卻還是不知如何相信這一切
 從今後你不在我身邊 誰給我勇氣面對快樂和傷悲

#真的要開始了自己 這場孤單的旅行
 走在同樣的生活裡 過不一樣的生命
 該怎麼開始我自己 這場孤單的旅行
 你依然住在我心裡 我依然想你

Thursday, July 22, 2010


It had been 2 months since i last updated my blog. This is explained and showed how lifeless and how unexciting my working life is. However, the visit of Tze Yong last week at least make my time not so dull. Had a wonderful steamboat dinner last Friday with (Peiwen and Doi), Woan Lin and Tze Yong and made me looking forward for the coming one on Saturday with my uni friends. This might be the last time such big gang of us actually sit down to have our dinner.

Yesterday, went for movie with Doi and I think this is one of the best movies I had ever seen. Going into the cinema without any expectation, I came out from the cinema stunned!! This is definitely the best movie I watched this year, or maybe since last year, or maybe since the year before last year, or maybe...

Trying not to be a spoiler here, thus nothing about the plot will be discuss here. The director aka the writer too had such awesome imagination and unique way of telling story which make it so exciting that you never feel bored. The storyline so unpredictable which makes you so eager to know what will happen next. You can't feel that 148 minutes actually passed so fast as if you are dreaming. You wouldn't want to miss a moment. However, there are many layers in the story which might make you lost track. So, concentrate and let your imagination wonders you around.

The ending is the most cruel one but keep your imagination going on. Until now, I am still puzzle with it, and I think I had quite a serious post withdrawal symdrome from the movie. This movie is definitely worth acedemic study wise.

Leonardo definitely did a great job. I never see his movie after Titanic which makes me out of track of his acting improvement. Only then, I realised that Zac Efron, who wants to be his successor, is shadowing him. Still more work to go, Zac.

I am giving this movie 4.9/5.0 as it fulfill my desire for a scientific, action and romance movie after such a long time. Those superheros movie definitely can't fight. Haha

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hi Jian Wei, Happy Mother's Day

Ok, this title might sound wrong to you...

Years ago, liping brought up this idea:
On birthday, the person should really celebrate is your mum, cause it is she that brought u to this world after 10 months.

Thanks mum for bring me to this world, and nurture and guided me. For 23 years without giving me up and being patient. I know I am not a good son, but I really hope I can spend more time with you.

Besides, always, i think i am lucky...

From primary to secondary, my best friends stay with me...
From secondary to NS, my good buddies stay with me...
From NS to Pre-U, my camp mate and sec friend stay with me...
From Pre-U to Uni, my coursemates stay with me...
From M'sia to Aussie, my friends accompany me...
From M'sia to USA, good friends work and travel with me...

As I move on in life, more and more friends are getting into my friend list. All these while, I was and am lucky to know lots of awesome friends, that accompany me through my ups and downs. However, my life will move on as i chase my dreams. Going for a new journey in my life, to a totally stranger place to me. Physically, I will be alone, but i know, my families and friends are supporting me... Of course, more and more friends will be coming, into my wonderful life.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cool Jay's Corner

21 April 2005, I started my blog in msn space: That was my first blog and was created with the help of my friend, Doi. That blog, shared my sorrow, happiness, anger and fear.

Then, I moved on to blogspot, which is where my current blog is located. Same as the previous one, this blog accompany me lots of my time, where my friends are always updated with my current activities and know my feelings.

From after PLKN to my pre-u, then my university life, from Australia till work and travel in USA, both blog showed how much I experience in my life, and hopefully I showed a little bit of my personal growth. Now, moving on is my working life. Hope my life is as interesting as the previous...

I had being a blogger for 5 years... And i am glad that I have one (or maybe considered as 2)...

Monday, April 26, 2010

One week after working

I had been working for a week, and i think, I like my working place.

Yeah, is weird, but i really like my working place. The working environment is much much friendlier than those I used to have, and my colleagues are around my age which makes me able to communicate easily. The working time is flexible and you have lots of freedom. Of course, with the basis that you get all your work done.

After work, I tried to occupy my time nicely. I made myself have lots of outdoor activities as possible. I go swimming, jogging and now, planning to start a work out program, to lose my weight and gain muscles. I will be controlling my diet soon my cooking food with less salt, less sugar and less oil. I also obtained some books from the community library, to broaden up my knowledge. I downloaded a computer game which i like a lot, and enjoyed going out with friends for a dinner or perhaps a movie during weekend. i believe these things will keep me busy for quite sometimes.

These days, more and more job offers are coming and I rejected quite a lot. I am waiting for a better offer than my current one. Guess, I might not stay long for here. Should I take the left lane or right lane??

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Neither-student-nor-worker period is coming to an end

Tomorrow, will be a new journey in my life...

I am stepping into the social university where learning never end. I will work as an engineer, work hard for myself, my family and my future, or maybe for mankind.

Although this is my 5th job, I feel uneasy. There is no longer and days for me to countdown when my working period will end besides the day of my retirement. Wondering about the working environment, colleagues, and even challenges in job, I believe now that I have to face everything alone. Physically, of course. Mentally, I know my family is always behind me supporting me, and my friends are always there to spare their time and ears listen to me. At least this make me feel that I am not totally alone.

Although I had spend 4 years in Sunway, and months in NS camp, Australia and USA, I know that I still feel uneasy staying out of house. That day, when my mum accompanied me to my current staying place, I knew that she was sad. But, she supported me and respects my decisions, not blaming me for leaving home, looking for my career. I appreciated that and was touched in my heart. I know, in my mum eyes, I am always a boy, that never grows up. However, there are lots of problems that I solved alone without telling her, tonnes of lies that I made, hoping not to trouble her but sometimes make her even more troubled.

What will I be in the coming years? What will happen in the future if I took a different path? Perhaps, no one will know until the time has come.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Orlando, located in the Sunshine State

After finish working in McD, we left the town that we stayed for 3 months, Falmouth and heading towards our 1st destination, Orlando.

Journey begin

Orlando is a city located in Florida state. Florida state is also known as the sunshine state as it is always warm throughout the year. Orlando is famous for having lots of theme parks. I get to know this place through my friends as they get to work here in the same program in a park that I would be mentioned later.

We reach Orlando at night and we check in into an inn in Kissimmee (yeah, spells like "kiss me"). The place we stayed is called Knights Inn. It is around 30bucks per night per room which is a great deal. However, it is located very far from most of the theme parks and we spent quite a lot on cabs. Although free shuttle (is singular, it only provide once a day!!) is provided, we were not able to catch it most of the time.

Knights Inn

The first day (21 Feb 2010), we made some mistakes on the shuttle and we ended up heading to our 1st theme park, Islander Adventure. Out of all, I like this park the most as the roller coasters are nice and followed to there themes.
Islander Adventure

This is one of the street and guess you will like it if you are a Marvel heroes fan.
Example of a street

The 5 themes in the park are as followed:

Each of it is so fun and the buildings are so beautiful. Never see such theme park in Malaysia

That's why i said:

The second theme park that we went is Seaworld (22 Feb 2010).

This park has less thrill rides but you have a lot of animal shows to watch. You have

Rats, cats and dogs

Seals and Walrus

and of course, the Shamu show

We were lucky in some sence that this show was stopped 1 or 2 days after we went as there was incident regarding a killing whale killed a trainer.

The third park we went is Busch Garden (23 Feb 2010).
Busch Garden
It has marvelous rides

totally wet!!

90 degree (almost like free fall) rollar coaster

and delicious turkey legI don't really like it cause is too meaty for me. Nothing wrong with the taste

and lots of African wild animals.

And last (24 Feb 2010), Universal Studio (Singapore has a new one though).

Universal Studio

Most rides are based on famous movies. Not much roller coasters but quite a lot of 4D rides.

This is a cool one. It let you select songs that you like while having your ride

MIB rides. Riding on cart and shoot aliens

This is the coolest 4D ride that I ever had

Shrek 4D. Funny!!

Four days of trips, we covered four theme park. I would probably go to Florida again, especially Orlando as I missed the Disney World there (is disneyworld, not disneyland. So, you should have guess how big it is in Orlando with 7 theme parks. One park per day can let you play the whole week). Besides, Miami beach which is underneath Florida is a nice place, I think...

Next stop: The SIN city, LAS VEGAS~~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Starting a new life soon

It had been around a month since I came back from USA and had my graduation ceremony. And I was lucky enough, I manage to find a job within a month and I am going to return to KL soon, since I am going to start work next week. Feeling nervous now as I don't know what I will face in my life in the future.

Compared to previous years, this time, I believe I need to be more independent. Guess I will be alone most of the time, facing the problems I had in life. Especially, for a driving noobie like me, I will be driving around the "new" environment and it will be a great challenge. Hope i will be safe and sound.

Something puzzled me these day after reading a book. Perhaps, I need to make a decision and come out with a plan. Of course, I required some guts before coming out with any decision. Should I or shouldn't I?

Working life, how will it be?? Hmm.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

New York City Trip

Ok, i know i shud upload all these two months ago. But was quite busy and lazy :P. 13 Feb 2010 to 15 Feb 2010, it is the period of Chinese New Year. My friends and I planned to take those days off and travel to New York City.

13 Feb 2010
The day before, I had to work till 3am (YES!! IS 3 AM). Then, after that, my friend drove the rented car to NYC. Due to tireness, I slept in the car. When reaches NYC, we took a city tour package like what we did in Boston. We started with the most boring loop, the Uptown tour.

Basically, Uptown tour is travelling in the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood in NYC is peaceful but i think is not that spacious. However, it was a peaceful place.

We also visited one of the famous M&M shop in NYC. There are other two store, one in Orlando and another in Las Vegas

M&M store

The largest Toy r Us store is also located in NYC, with a feris wheel in it.

Where are the above both stores located? It is at the famous Times Square. I highly believe this is the most expensive place in the world. As this is the centre of NYC, the world most populous city.

Times Square

By the way, on the road 5 out of 10 cars will be a cab. Seems new yorkers are pretty proud of the cab. They even made a statue to symbolize the icon of new york city.


14 Feb 2010
It is Chinese New Year, and I believe it is one of my highlight in my life. We allocated the most important trip on this day, which is the downtown trip.

The largest store in the world

The tallest building in NYC, Empire state building, before the twin tower is built and after the terrorist had attacked NYC

However, I myself was very exciting to see this:

Statue of Liberty

Even now, I myself, still can't resist its beauty...

Ok, i know, this look ugly

Evening, we took a ferry cruise to go around the island and underneath the brigde. The night view of NYC is splendid...

Night time, we went to the Top of the Rock, to view the night view. It was rather winding and chill. The picture below shows the Empire State Building. See, the light is red. It is not normally red. It is red as it is Chinese New Year...

At the entrance of Top of the Rock, funny name yeah...

Of course, Times Square is as merry as always. We found a nice spot to take a photo of four

15 Feb 2010

Today, is rather chilling. We have more time walking around this USA most population city. Morning, we went to Chinatown and found a Guan Yin temple there. We prayed as we didn't do that during the 1st day of chinese new year. Then, we went to a famous restaurant, Congee House (something like that) in Chinatown, and we had our "reunion dinner".
Not only that, Chinatown has quite a lot of nice chinese grocery =)

We also visited the 911 incident place, the twin tower. There is a memorial centre for it and lots of information for the incident is there. Feel like I was there, cause everything is so familiar to me now. The airline, the destination and all those photos. As if I am witnessing the whole incident.

A construction is taking place at the old address of WTC

The tour guide share his photo collection of the WTC Twin Tower

Make sure u always remember =)

We took the subways around the city

We visited the Wall Street as well. This is one of the most financial district in USA. you know, the share of USA took place here?

Night view of Wall Street

Madison Square Garden, just like TD Garden, NBA games took place here

Koreatown. just like Chinatown, but this is smaller, just one street

This ends our NYC trip. We might just explored a ice tip of this city, but the memory is always there

On the street of NYC

Places that you should go:

  1. Statue of Liberty
  2. Top of the Rock
  3. Chinatown