From 1 Jan 2008, my friends and I countdown at Sunway Pyramid. First time having so much beer in a day.
During Chinese New Year, first time went to a teacher's place for CNY. He didn't teach me for log and might not even remember me. :p Angpoh's power. By the way, actually I was following Pei Wen and Wei Wen.

First time leaving my own country to a foreign country alone. That time, don't know what will happen to me. However, I was an unforgettable memory. By the way, it is also my first time on a plane. Never sit on a plane before that. However, later throughout the year, i sat for 6 times.
First time clubbing which my friends back JB can't imagine i actually did that. I have to joke with them that i actually have honey in club instead of liquor.

First time explore a very big city, Melbourne City. I was very amazed by the buildings, shops and people around the city. Even until now.
First time miss home food. Luckily there is somewhere called Kota Raya around the school that serves nice food. Just like those you found in Malaysia. But the price is not cheap. So ironic.
Sorrento Trip is the first MRS trip. It has a maze made from maize. It was interesting.

This is my most enjoyable karaoke moment. Although i didn't sing much cause is all English songs which i wasn't that familiar, but i enjoyed listening to others. Singstar is such an awesome Wii game.

First time went to a beach in Australia. It is a very cold and windy. Besides, this is the first time i see sunset. It is so nice and unforgettable.
Red Centre Tour is a nice tour. Or maybe called it an adventure which is more suitable. The adventure triggered me to travel around the world so eagerly. Hope that I have the chance to go around the world. Mother Nature is so awesome. Hope that my eyes can capture all the good view in the world. As long as I can walk, I would like to walk around big land for my adventure. Ayers Rock is nice and it is one of the world nature wonder that you shouldn't miss. This is the first time i stepped foot on a desert.
For the first time, i went skiing. Besides, it was the first time i see real snow with my eyes, touch with my hands and feel with my skin. I enjoyed those moment, but serious speaking, i hate snow. I had cold!!
For the first time, i went for a ball, MRS ball. The below one is Richo ball which is the 2nd ball. I like the photo below very much. I don't really like balls as like what Titus said, it is just wear nicely and go somewhere to eat. But, it is nice to have accompany around, taking nice photos.

This is the first time, i experienced spring. After winter which is cold and chill, spring which is warmer and lively is so nice. Flower blooms everywhere even beside road. In Malaysia, you can only see nice green grass only if you are lucky enough that no one through rubbish. Tulip is so beautiful.

This is a self-organised tour. It was exciting. Ocean is so mysterious and cool. Remember those landscape we learned in Geography in Form 3? Those gua, gubang and batu-batu? They are so beautiful. Again, Mother Nature always amazed me.

First time stayed on a ship for so long. Three days two nights. Too bad i got nausea easily. It is also the first time i went for scuba diving and came so near to the coral. I even swim so near a turtle and tailed a couple of sharks. The Great Barrier Reef in Cairns is one of the 7 Nature Wonders in the world as you can see it on space!!

2008 is so much fun, exciting and interesting. Hope my 2009 will be the same. Fat hope!!
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